
Cucumbers and peppers thrive in the same conditions. Plant trellised cucumbers behind pepper plants for a healthy, productive bed.

1. cucumbers

Planting onions with peppers can help protect peppers from pests and maximize space, as their roots don't compete with each other.

2. onions

Parsley, chives, cilantro, and basil all help peppers in different ways. Parsley attracts predatory insects, basil deters thrips, and chives make it hard for pests to find peppers.

3 - 4 - 5 - 6. AROMATIC HERBS

Lettuces grow well in peppers' rich, moist soil. Plant them between young pepper plants and they'll be ready to harvest just as peppers start to mature.

7. lettuces

Calendula and marigolds are great for repelling tomato pests, and nasturtiums are a good trap crop for aphids.

8 - 9 - 10. Calendula, marigold, nasturtium

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for more pepper companion planting ideas  & what to avoid planting with peppers