how to grow


& harvest

Cucumber come in bush and vining varieties. Vining cucumbers make more fruits but take up more space; bush cucumbers are good for containers.

cucumber varieties

All cucumbers need full sun, very rich soil, and consistent watering. Give them lots of compost in the soil and a gentle fertilizer like comfrey tea once a month.


Space trellised cucumbers 12"-18" apart. If you're not using a trellis, space cucumbers 36" apart. Leave room between the rows for walking!


Prepare the soil by adding plenty of compost to the first few inches. Have trellises in place before planting. Water plants in well.


Cucumbers are ready for harvest after 50-70 days. It's better to harvest early; overripe cucumbers get bitter! When they're full sized & fully green, harvest!


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for the full guide &  organic cucumber fertilizer tips!