FOR cilantro


Here are the best cilantro plant combinations to deter pests, maximize space, and grow a better harvest this year

Cilantro repels potato beetles, spider mites, and aphids, making it a good companion plant for early maturing potato varieties

1. potatoes

Legumes are great companion plants for cilantro, thanks to their nitrogen fixing 'abilities. They'll also provide shade by early summer.

2 - 3.  PEAS + BEANS

Brassicas share similar growing conditions with cilantro, and they'll provide much needed shade as they grow.

4 - 5. kale + cabbage

Allilums help protect cilantro from aphids and carrot flies, and they grow well in full sun and well draining soil.

6 - 7 - 8. garlic, onions, + shallots

Radishes and cilantro both grow best in cool weather, full sun, and moist soil, making them a space efficient companion pairing.

9. radishes

Carrots and cilantro both grow well in full sun and soil with some added drainage. They're space efficient, but they'll benefit from sharing the soil with alliums, too.


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for cilantro companion flowers + more information on cilantro companions to avoid