

Lettuce and broccoli grow in similar conditions, and lettuces will benefit from the shade cast by broccoli in late spring. They'll also suppress weeds and improve the soil.

1. Lettuce

Radishes planted near broccoli are a useful trap crop for flea beetles. They'll also germinate and be ready to harvest before broccoli fills the space.

2. Radishes

 3 -4. Onions & Garlic

Onions and garlic are some of the best companion plants for pest issues, as they can reduce damage from most common brassica pesrs. Onions may even improve broccoli flavor.

Dill attracts beneficial insects like hoverflies, lacewings, and parasitic wasps, which prey on broccoli pests like aphids and caterpillars.

5. Dill

Marigolds can repel or confuse pests like whiteflies, aphids, and caterpillars. Nasturtiums are great for pollinators and a useful trap crop for aphids!

6 - 7. Marigolds & Nasturtiums

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for more companion planting ideas + what not to plant with broccoli