Borage attracts pollinators like few other plants, making it ideal for companion planting with tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. It also attracts beneficial insects!

1. Borage

Cilantro flowers attract predatory insects like lacewings, ladybugs, and parasitic wasps, which can keep aphids and caterpillars in check. This is ideal for winter brassica crops.

2. cilantro

Comfrey is highly attractive to bees, but it's also useful as a nutrient-rich mulch or comfrey tea. Grow a patch of comfrey for easy, DIY organic fertilizer!

3. comfrey

Zinnias can grow as a trap crop for cucumber beetles, but both plants will support pollinators and help provide shade for plants like parsley and lettuce in the summer.

4 - 5.  cosmos & zinnia

Both flowers will help cover the soil around full sun vegetables, letting it retain moisture. Marigolds also help protect veg from common pests, while nasturtiums can be a trap crop for aphids.

6 - 7. Marigolds & Nasturtiums

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for 4 more ideas  & tips on companion planting with flowers for the best effect